How is sex therapy different from regular therapy?

Sex therapy involves individual or couples/relationship therapy but with a far more explicit focus on issues of sexuality and intimacy. Many patients find it hard to discuss these sensitive topics in regular therapy, feeling ashamed or fearing judgment. Knowing that you’re talking to an expert is reassuring. Integrating the expertise of an individual/couples and sex therapist, I’ll be providing you with specialized treatment to best address your difficulties.

If your answer is yes to any of the questions listed below, sex therapy is the right choice:

Are you experiencing problems related to polyamory, ENM/CNM (ethical/consensual nonmonogamy), and open relationships?

Are you in a secretive relationship?

Are you struggling with infidelity and affairs?

Are you experiencing difficulties related to being gay, lesbian, bisexual, or asexual?

Are you questioning your gender identity, or are gender nonconforming?

Do you grapple with problems related to gender transition or expansion?

Are you dealing with sexual incompatibility or desire discrepancy?

Are you having performance anxiety?

Do you experience difficulties due to kink/BDSM preferences and practices?

Do you have low libido and/or low sexual desire?

Are you suffering from emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, past or present?

Are you having pain during sex and/or penetration difficulties?

Do you have difficulties achieving orgasms?

Are you struggling with erectile dysfunction (ED)?

Do you experience problems related to sex and pregnancy?

Are you struggling with sexuality due to your religious/cultural background?

Are medical issues affecting your sexuality?

Do you wonder how to maintain a healthy sex life as you age?

My aim in sex therapy is to help clients understand and affirm their sexuality as a guilt and worry-free foundation of pleasure and connection. For survivors of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, the path toward reclaiming intimacy can be especially vulnerable. I support individuals and couples in recognizing their needs and desires and helping them develop the ability to express themselves without shame or fear.